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Volunteers - Resource

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We do look forward to having a network of volunteers who can be a support team for the core ISB team. Some details of volunteers will be provided here.

If you would like to be a volunteer at any level, do contact us at info.indiaspellingbee@gmail.com

There are very attractive offers for schools....(more)
India Spelling Bee dates extended !!!!....(more)
Here are some pictures of our programmes held in the schools...(more)
It is seen that participation in in any contest can be made more effective if students...(more)
The students can prepare for the contest by using the guide book. The parents and...(more)
The educators and teacher play the most important role in ensuring that the students are...(more)
The ISB Regional coordinators are a single point of contact for the schools / students of that reqion...(more)
We do look forward to having a network of volunteers who can be a support team for...(more)

Parents and Students

Guide Book


Untitled Document