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India Spelling Bee Guide Book

It is seen that participation in any contest can be made more effective if students are able to prepare for it. Not only would they be more confident, but also would learn a lot in the process of preparation for the contest. This is the very reason why we have prepared the ISB Guide Book.

This ISB Guide Book is designed and compiled separately for each grade keeping in mind the level of English that is suitable for them. It has a list of more than 1000 words which they can use for practice. It also has many other exercises which are related to spellings and vocabulary building. The questions in the ISB contest will also be based on these exercises.

Importantly, the guide book also has a few Sample Question Papers. The format of these papers is similar to those that will be used in the contest. The students can use these to familiarise themselves with the types of questions and also learn to solve the papers within a given time. Answer keys are provided so that they can check and correct themselves. The students can use the ISB Guide Book to prepare effectively for the contest.We have tried to make it user friendly so that the students are encouraged to use it regularly.

ISB Guide Book new edition launched

The ISB Guide Book has received a tremendous response from students, parents and teachers. The new editions of all the Guide Books have also been launched with new words, new exercises...in similiar format.

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  • There is a Practice List of more than 1000 words. Read these words, understand the words and most importantly use these words in sentences.
  • There are some Practice Exercises. Go through them and solve them. The answers are given at the back. Correct yourself, wherever you are wrong.
  • There are some Sample Question Papers at the back. Solve these in the time allotted. Check your answers only after completingthe full paper.
  • Use a pencil in all Practice Exercises and Sample papers so that you can erase your answers after completion and retry again.

Read, Write and Speak English as much as you can – the only way to master the language.

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It is seen that participation in in any contest can be made more effective if students...(more)
The students can prepare for the contest by using the guide book. The parents and...(more)
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